Food Safety
The health and well-being of customers has always been our top priority.
We are committed to food safety .Our Food Safety Plan has been designed to prevent contamination or adulteration of our products using the principles of GAP and HACCP. The Food Safety plan for our farm ensures that the policies, procedures and practices that are implemented meet FSMA and all International Food Safety standards to ensure the safest fruits for our customers. We have also implemented a full trace back system.
Our management team and employees are committed to producing and marketing safe products.
Our food safety practices encompassing, GAP and HACCP have been implemented throughout the production cycle including: farm, harvesting, packing and storage. We also make sure that wildlife, insects and rodents pose no risk of contamination to our product. It is also a priority that all our employees follow healthy sanitary guidelines practices when working in any or our work areas.
Proper records are maintained and will be kept on file for a minimum of two years. Our food safety plan will be audited annually, updated as needed and any corrective actions will be handled expeditiously. Employees responsible for the Food Safety Plan will continue to receive the necessary training to remain current with both FSMA and all International Food Safety requirements.
Here are just a few of the programs in place:
- Annual food safety and security training as part of the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) training administered by our Facility Operations Food Safety Manager.
- Daily pest monitoring and prevention program with weekly inspections. Our in-house staff supports the integrated pest management program.
- We have incorporated measures to manage the risks of threats that may affect our operations and contaminate products with illegal or undeclared substances. Such measures are aligned with the risks situation in our country, and follow other countries and customers requirements. Best practices of the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) are some initiatives incorporated successfully in our processing plants.
We are and we think about sustainability…
We use only recyclable materials for all our packaging.